80% of our users come from the US of A, the second is Canada (aka our hat), third is the UK, the runt is Australia and finally the rest of the world. Yesterday we had 1,129 visits from 60 countries, the darkest being the most frequent, yay! That being said where is the rest of the world? Surely we must have Muslim sisters in China? Right?
HijabSwappers' forum is where women can buy, sell or trade their Islamic gear. HS blog is geared towards fashion and making affordable or at least semi affordable sets. We take outfits and make them hijab approved. The HS auction aspect of the site wont be available until mid October (inshaAllah)

SO I call on to you gals, help us color in the world!
sorry hun, Canada is not the hat of the US it's the brain. feast on that tuttie!
lol. maybe
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