RULESFFS: Means FREE FOR SHIPPING. So it's FREE except for the EXACT cost of shipping and delivery confirmation (if you want it or if the seller requires it) only.
Here are some guidelines:
Try not to estimate the weight before you post your item. Post items only after you know the weight and your zip so that potential buyers are aware of the actual cost. If you are in the USA you can go to http://postcalc.usps.gov/or http://ircalc.usps.gov/default.asp?Mode=Intl_Single&CID=10054for Canadian sisters.
DO NOT add an extra dollar here and there to help cover costs like gas, shipping supplies or for your time. You can only charge for the actual amount it costs to ship the item.
-If you do have to go out and buy additional packaging you can charge for that but you can't charge for anything else and it MUST be mentioned in the post.
If you do want to charge an extra dollar we have a section for that. Depending on the item if it is a hijab go to the hijab section of for sale or trade and post it there.
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