This is the college uniform I have seen A LOT, sweats a tee and flip flops. It should be illegal to give tickets to broke college students. It just should.
This was my uniform before I became Muslim running through the street late as usual hoping that the professor wouldn't see me. After I became Muslim just slap a hijab on it and that was it. I don't even know why I was late all the time, I mean I dormed.
Hijab News
September 28, 2009
September 27, 2009
Harem Pants
Believe it or not those harem pants are $15 and you can check them out here.
With a white hijab and niqab with a light yellow trim around the hem.
I just couldn't help myself and added the chucks. I tried, I really did but ultimately Chuck won.
With a white hijab and niqab with a light yellow trim around the hem.
I just couldn't help myself and added the chucks. I tried, I really did but ultimately Chuck won.
September 26, 2009
We Are The New UMMAH! BABY!
I use cloth diapers on my little dude and I wanted to use it in a set for babies. What do you think?
Yellow Skeleton!

In order for you to wear this outfit with the cardigan open you must get a dickey to cover the front of the shirt. I wanted to use black converses but I had been using them a lot lately. What do you guys think?
September 25, 2009
September 22, 2009
September 21, 2009
September 20, 2009
September 19, 2009
September 18, 2009
September 17, 2009
NO, they aren't hooker boots
nope, not at all. This is for a goth friend of mine who had a Mohawk prior to becoming Muslim. Sadly I had some horrible stereotypes of goths that she dispelled. This is for her, complete with the abaya she uses over her clothing. I also couldn't help myself and had to include Skye's work from Nailz-in-Aus.
September 16, 2009
Urban Native
This is for my Urban sisters, complete with the timbs and hoop earrings. How I miss that style. I remember attending an Al Maghrib seminar in NYU and the New York sisters looked stunning! MashAllah. What stuck out the most where sisters in abaya wearing them with timberland boots and taking the subway.
September 15, 2009
September 14, 2009
Dressing Modestly is easier than Differential Equations

Someone asked how is a Muslim sister going to wear the BCBG dresses and here is how. These sets are for inspiration only as they are expensive.
Dressing modestly and fashionable is simple, here in the USA it is hard finding appropriate clothing so we get creative. If the dress exposes the arms wear a cardigan. If it cuts too deep wear a dickie/dickey (tutorial on how to make a dickie here, sample img on the right). If it has slits you can either wear a dressy trouser or a dressy flowing skirt or if it can't be saved don't wear it at all.
If the "dress" is more of a mini get creative and use it as a top and again if it exposes the arms wear a cardigan. Match it to a skirt or trousers.
These sets ARE expensive but they were made to show you can utilize a short dress and make it in to a long top for yourself. Obviously the ones in the images are a size zero so you would use a size bigger. A plain black skirt would have done just fine.
The pink cardigan has a ruffle to compliment the dress. You would wear the cardigan over the dress and botton the first 3 buttons to cover the neck and collar bone. You could also do a white cardigan.
Now the mini skirt and tube top I have no idea how to hijabify, however, you could still use them as inspirations if you happen to like the colors like I do.

This is my favorite set, the purple love.
Press Release Needed for HijabSwappers
Press Release Needed for Fashion Biz
If you have the expertise send us an email at
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If you have the expertise send us an email at
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If they weren't so expensive these dresses would be P E R F E C T! These are my favorites so far and I will be making affordable sets inspired by these gorgeous gowns.
Now these are the trends from their catalog and I LOVE the vibrant colors! They look unreal!

Which one is your favorite one?
Now these are the trends from their catalog and I LOVE the vibrant colors! They look unreal!

Which one is your favorite one?
September 13, 2009
Forum is OPEN!
If you haven't received your invitation yet is probably because we don't have an email to send it to. You can add your email here. If you know somebody who is already a member they can invite you as well. The forum will remain private for the first 2 weeks as we begin to fill in some of the posts. The forum as it is right now can be accessed through here.
Click on the image to enlarge
September 9, 2009
Turquoise Maxi
I am not too happy with this set but the dress is $14.99 and the cardigan is $5.99 those two items come from as they seem to be trying to get rid of all their summer inventory. I like the three colors in the dress but I couldn't decide on what to pair it with. The shoes and the bag are expensive but I love the shoes so much I am going to go looking for an affordable one that is similar
September 8, 2009
Copper Tones Maxi dress for $11
This maxi dress is available for $11 USD! However, it is only available in Medium at the moment. The cardigan had horizontal pleats across the bodice giving you a dressed up look. It is on sale for $19.99 USD also from sears this is a 50% discount. The hijab is 9.99 from The shoes and purse are out of budget but can be imitated very easily with dark brown flats and a copper tone purse.
Plaid Tunic with Sailor Pants
I am loving plaid tunics and sailor pants now (I can't help it).
Canyon River Blues Plaid Tunic Length Shirt
Apostrophe Sailor Pant
Canyon River Blues Plaid Tunic Length Shirt
Apostrophe Sailor Pant
September 7, 2009
In Search of Advertisers and screen shots available!
These are screen shots of the forum that will inshaAllah go live by the end of this week! Click on the image to view it in a larger size. At the moment we are looking for advertisers and forum sponsors. So what do you gals think?

VALID 09/07/09- 09/12/09
Above prices include the 40% off discount
VALID 09/07/09- 09/12/09

We have Forum Sponsor slots! These are based on a set time, one calendar month starting on the day the sponsorship is purchased and ending the same date but in the following month.
You can choose either a text link or a small 120x60 banner on the main forum home page linking to your site which is awesome for getting your brand out there to the public. You must upload your own banners in your account. To see the slots available look at image #2
What better way to get targeted traffic but with a forum slot? Sell hijabs? Sponsor the "Hijabs" forum. Make custom niqabs and hijab accessories? Sponsor the "Niqab & Hijab Accessories". These forum sponsor slots are limited. Our current price is only $21 for one month! After 09/13/09 they will go back to full price.
For the first 15 advertisers take 40% off your initial order!
Click HERE to Sign Up!
Ps, We are still working on the auction part of the site that will include stores.
Click HERE to Sign Up!
Ps, We are still working on the auction part of the site that will include stores.