Hijab News

May 28, 2010


As Salaamu Aalaykum ALL!!
So we have gotten some emails majority automatically go to spam sorry but we do get a lot of spam.  SOO, you guys are already familiar with our facebook page below

However, some of you wanted to be able to contact us directly and we have a facebook profile as well, when you request to be our friend let us know you found us via our blog so we are not left wondering if it was random or intentional.  ok?

wa salaam!

February 11, 2010

NO more registrations

As Salaamu Aalaykum,

We at HijabSwappers have been hit with a wave of scammers trying to rip people off. As a result we have disabledd new registrations to stop this. If you want to be part of our forum you must know someone in good standing or email us at hijabswappers.com at gmail dot com.

We are searching for more moderators for the forum to help us combat the issue.

sorry for the inconvenience.


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